How An Immigrant with a 5th Grade Diploma Beat the Odds in Education, Business, and Health

My Dad Cutting styling hair

My dad is an inspiration. The odds were often against him. I’ll start when he lived in the small town of Amorosi, Italy, northwest of Naples. It is a beautiful, close-knit farming community along the railroad where everyone knows everything about you. In 1945, there were no cars or refrigeration. They used a root cellar to store the wine and olive oil. Farm animals were a way of life for food, milk, cheese, plowing, hauling, and transportation.

My dad was a rambunctious boy with a sense of humor. Toys were almost nonexistent, so play for a four-year period was mostly outdoors around the farm. He doesn’t remember exactly what he was up to but, unaware of the dangers, walked directly behind … read the whole story on Medium published in The Ascent.

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